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Exercitation ullamco laboris nis aliquip sed conseqrure dolorn repreh deris ptate velit ecepteur duis.
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What’s one of the easiest and cheapest ways to advertise your business? You might be thinking radio or even dropping brochures in letterboxes, but people can tune out or tear up your message. Why not give them a message they can’t ignore – making a statement that turns heads, literally.
When it comes to getting attention, the windows in your shop are one of the greatest weapons at your disposal. They give you the opportunity to promote your brand, entice potential customers and they’re bigger and brighter than any brochure you could fit in a letterbox! Don’t just throw a frock on a mannequin and walk away. With some crystal clear windows and a touch of creativity, you’re on your way to a stunning shopfront display that no one will be able to ignore. Here are 5 great tips to get you started.
This may sound like an obvious one, but it’s a great place to start. If you’re a retailer of anything from cupcakes to clothing, put your goods in the window for the world to see.
How about giving your audience a chance to really know what you’re all about by letting them try your products. Take a look at this example to give you an idea of how sampling can be incorporated seamlessly in a shopfront.
Get a professional glazier to create and install a beautiful window with customised messaging about one of your products or services that will evoke action in passer-by’s. It’s easy to see how this example won salon of the year with their action-oriented messaging in their shopfront. A great touch is to have them entirely customised by getting a crafty specialist in to hand-paint it.
Whether its tales told over the dinner table, in the pages of our favourite books or those captured in photography; stories inspire us. Showcase your inspiration to potential clients. Fill large windows with abstract, aspirational tales , or more direct messages that draw people to your windows and through your doors.
Instead of cardboard cutouts, how about living, breathing models in your shopfront? This can be a seasonal event on a late night shopping evening when introducing new products and it even works like magic when it comes to social media shares!
Laughter is the best medicine and it’s also one of your most powerful tools for drawing people into your store. Adding a punch line to your shopfront might be the push people need to have a look inside. Speaking of cracks, nothing will ruin your display faster than a broken window, so call a glazier when you need commercial glass repair.
Sometimes simplicity is the best way to convey ideas to your customers. Try a shopfront with stark, prominent frames that draw the eye to what’s happening inside. The right frame can proffer great shape and character to your building, helping you to stand out from the crowd. Great glass can be cut to fit your frame too, so you won’t have to worry about how it will affect your glass.
Your shopfront glass is literally an insight into your business and to your world. A great way to take advantage of this is to use a shopfront display to grab the attention of passer-by’s with lighting projections on your shopfront window or entire building! You can even consider capturing attention with well-matched music or branded audio.
3/2 Slater Parade Keilor East, VIC 3033
(03) 9307 7412